The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized three Sections of Students Scientific Conferences on 10-11 May 2019. In each Section, the Conference Board selected 4 papers which got awards: 1st Prize (400 lei), 2nd Prize (300 lei), 3rd Prize (200 lei) and Mention (100 lei).

Section 09-01 Aircraft, Propulsion Sistems and Air Navigation <program>

1st Prize: Suborbital Vehicle – Preliminary Concept and Optimization.

Students: Ionuț BUNESCU – Yr 1 Master PAPM, Adrian DINA Yr 1 Master PAPM, Andra MANȚIGHIAN Yr 4 CA, Alexandra STĂVĂRESCU Yr 2 Master SAS, Şarif OMAR – Yr 1 Master PAPM, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: Sterian DĂNAILĂ, “Elie Carafoli” Department of Aerospace Sciences

2nd Prize Comparison of Methods Used for Brachistrochrome Flight Trajectory Optimization

Studenţi: Petru Bogdan COJOCARU, Adina Mihaela STRUŢ, anul IV NA, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisors: . Octavian Thor PLETER, Irina Beatrice Ştefănescu, “Elie Carafoli” Department of Aerospace Sciences,  Ş Cristian CONSTANTINESCU,  “Nicolae Tipei” Department of Aeronautical Systems Engineering and Aeronautical Management

3rd Prize: Real Time Following System for Objects in Videos Captured by Drones

Student: Marian BĂNICĂ, Yr 4, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

Supervisors: Ş.l. Anamaria RĂDOI (ETTI), Petrişor – Valentin PÂRVU, “Elie Carafoli” Department of Aerospace Sciences

Mention: A Communication System Alternative to CPDLC

Student: Andrei FLOREA, Yr 4 NA, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisors: .Octavian Thor PLETER, “Elie Carafoli” Department of Aerospace Sciences, Ing. Răzvan MĂRGĂUAN, EUROCONTROL

Section 09-02 Avionics and Aircraft Systems, Aeronautical Engineering and Management <program>

1st Prize: Kinematic Equations of Movement Using Rodrigues Parameters

Maria-Marina-Luminiţa ALEXE, Delia-Dumitria VITALARU, Ştefan-Marian VATAFU, Alina OPREA, Yr 3, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU, “Nicolae Tipei” Department of Aeronautical Systems Engineering and Aeronautical Management

2nd Prize: Implementing an Algorithm for Image Processing to Determine the Attitude of an Object

Student: Maria Beatrice BĂLĂCEANU, Yr 4, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: ş.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU, “Nicolae Tipei” Department of Aeronautical Systems Engineering and Aeronautical Management

3rd Prize: Airport – airline data processing and electronic data exchange

Student: Andrei DOROBANȚU, Yr 4, IMA, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: ş.l. dr. ing. Casandra Venera PIETREANU, “Nicolae Tipei” Department of Aeronautical Systems Engineering and Aeronautical Management

Mention: Stabilizer for Video Camera

Students: Mihai-Paul FIRTALA, Sebastian OLTEANU, Yr 3, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: ş.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU, “Nicolae Tipei” Department of Aeronautical Systems Engineering and Aeronautical Management

Section 09-03 Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design <program>

1st Prize: Design and Ergonomy Enhancements Regarding an Excavator Cabin

Student: Filimon GRIGORE, Yr 1 Master,  Group 951, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: Mioara DUCA, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design

2nd Prize: Studies regarding animated commercials, concept of an animated commercial

Student: Marcela DINU, Yr 1 Master,  Group 951, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: Nicoleta Elisabeta PASCU, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design

3rd Prize: Studies regarding body position in representing emotions of an animated character

Student: Simona IURCO, Yr 1 Master,  Group 951, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Supervisor: Catalina ENACHE, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design

Mention: Video Games Development Using Game Maker Studio

Student: Adrian Cosmin ANIN, Yr 1,  Group 613 CC, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics (IMST)

Supervisor: Ş Catalina ENACHE, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design

In the same time, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering students won prizes at Conference Sessions and Competitions of other Faculties.

Students Competition in Mathematics Traian Lalescu

National Phase (Cluj-Napoca):

1st Place: Raluca Ioana CIOBOTIA, Yr 2

2nd Place: Ion MATEI, Yr 1 Series B

Supervisor: Lect. dr. Cristina ȘERBĂNESCU

It is the 4th year in a row when the 1st Prize at the National Phase of the Mathematics Students Contest Traian Lalescu is won by a student of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest! This performance relies on the assiduous work with the students of Mrs. Lect. dr. Cristina Șerbănescu of the Faculty of Applied Sciences


Faculty of Aerospace Engineering performance scholarship winner Raluca Ioana CIOBOTIA takes for the second year the First Prize of the National Mathematics Contest Traian Lalescu.




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