
All master programs of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are scientific research programs. This means that on course of the 4 semesters, master students choose research subjects and works under the supervision of a professor assigned to them at the beginning of the semester by the Director of Department and do internship stages with various employers or in the labs of the faculty, for the documentation stage or experiments. The Research subject each semester are normally parts of the dissertation, thus a supervisor assigned in the beginning stays the same until the dissertation exam.

The research activity each semester ends with a written research report, on which the supervisor needs to decide. If the supervisor considers it sufficiently elaborated, he submits the report to a scientific board, which is in session in the last week of teaching each semester. The students will take part in these sessions to defend their reports. The dates, times and venues for these sessions are announced. The board grades each master student for his or her scientific research acitvity.

Defending scientific reports in the September 2019 session <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the June 2019 session <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the January 2019 session <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the June 2018 resit session for Year 2 <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the May-June 2018 session <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the January 2018 session <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the May-June 2017 session <session schedule>

Defending scientific reports in the September 2017 session <session schedule>


The 4th Semester research (2nd Year, 2nd Semester) integrate the previous three stages and materializes in a written dissertation.

Rules of the Master Studies (in Romanian) UPB

Rules on how to Finalize Studies (in Romanian) UPB 2018


Supervisor Report Form


Attention graduates Year 4 Bachelor and Year 2 Master

Enrolling for the Diploma Exam or Dissertation Exam requires a list of documents mentioned at Art. 10 of the Rules of Finalizing of Studies, and additionally the following:

  • Certificate of completing the Employment Questionnaire on the platform to the Rector Decision 259/26.4.18)

Each terminal year student (graduate) finds in his/her account on the platform a button labeled Chestionar Angajabilitate which leads to the questionnaire form.
After filling and saving the questionnaire, the platform automatically generates a Certificate of completing the Employment Questionnaire.
The student should print this certificate and include it in the Enrollment File, alongside of all other documents therein.


Dissertation Exams Schedule July 2019

Registration for Dissertation Exam in the July 2019 Session will take place between 10 – 14 June 2019.


Starting with 2017, master graduates may apply directly to doctorate studies right from the dissertation exam. Fill the forms in Annexes 2, 3 and 5 of the Doctorate Admission Procedure and submit them to the President of the Board after the dissertation exam. The Admission Fee is cut by 50% in July session as compared to the September session. 

The Dissertation Exam Boards, the exam dates, hours and rooms for the July 2019 session are the following:


Program of studies  Aeronautical and Space Structures
28 June 2019, 9 am Room I013
Prof. Sterian DANAILA President
Prof. Marius STOIA-DJESKA member
Conf. dr. ing. Petrișor Valentin PÂRVU member
Conf Alina BOGOI member
Conf. Laurențiu MORARU member
Conf. Florin FRUNZULICĂ secretary


Program of studies  Aerospace Propulsion and Environment Protection
26 June 2019, 9 am Room I013 Dragos ISVORANU President
Conf Alina BOGOI member
Conf. dr. ing. Daniel CRUNŢEANU member
Ş Marius BREBENEL member
Ş Grigore CICAN member
Ș.l.dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU secretary


Program of studies  Avionics and Aerospace Navigation
27 June 2019, 9 am Room G1
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU President
Prof. Adrian Mihail STOICA member
Prof. Octavian Grigore MULLER member
Ş Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Ş Sorin BERBENTE member
Ş Valentin PANA secretary


Program of studies  Aerospace Engineering and Management
28 June 2019, 9 am Room E013
Prof. dr. ing. Corneliu BERBENTE President Sorin  Eugen  ZAHARIA member
Ş Stefan POPESCU member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Ş Gabriela Liliana STROE member
S.l. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU secretary

Program of studies  Aeronautical Management

27 June 2019, 9 am Room E013 Sorin  Eugen  ZAHARIA President
Ş Stefan POPESCU member
Ş Gabriela Liliana STROE member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Ș.l.dr. ing. Mihai BARBELIAN member
S.l. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU secretary


Program of studies  Engineering Graphics and Design
24 June 2019, 9 am Room BN304 Ionel SIMION President Victor-Gabriel ADÎR member Mioara DUCA member Daniel DOBRE member Narcisa VALTER member
As. dr. ing. Ionuț-Valentin RADU secretary


Program of studies Holistic Space Systems
27 June 2019, 12 pm Room G1
Prof. Marius STOIA-DJESKA President
Prof. Sterian DANAILA member Dragos ISVORANU member
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU member
Ş Grigore CICAN member
Ș.l.dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU secretary


Program of studies  Air Transport Engineering (in English)
25 June 2019, 9 am Room I013
Conf. Octavian Thor PLETER President
Prof. dr. ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKSA member
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș ISVORANU member
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL member
S.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU secretary




Dissertation Exam Schedule


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 SAS
12 Sep 2018 9 am Room R017
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ President
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș Daniel ISVORANU Member
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER Member
S.l. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL Member
S.l. dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU Secretary


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 PAPM
12 Sep 2018 10 am Room R017
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș Daniel ISVORANU President
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ Member
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER Member
S.l. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL Member
S.l. dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU Secretary


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 ITA
12 Sep 2018 11 am Room R017
Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor PLETER President
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ Member
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș Daniel ISVORANU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Ion PREDOIU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL Member
S.l. dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU Secretary


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 ANA
12 Sep 2018 9 am Room G1
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU President
Prof. dr. ing. Adrian Mihail STOICA Member
Prof. dr. ing. Octavian GRIGORE-MULER Member
S.l. dr. ing. Sorin BERBENTE Member
S.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Valentin PANĂ Secretary


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 IMAS
12 Sep 2018 9 am Room E013
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU President
Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA Member
S.l. dr. ing. Gabriela STROE Member
S.l. dr. ing. Ștefan POPESCU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU Member
As. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU Secretary


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 MA
12 Sep 2018 11 am Room E013
Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA President
S.l. dr. ing. Mihai BARBELIAN Member
S.l. dr. ing. Gabriela STROE Member
S.l. dr. ing. Bogdan TEODORESCU Member
S.l. dr. ing. Ștefan POPESCU Member
As. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU Secretary


Dissertation Exam Session September 2018 GID
12 Sep 2018 12 pm Room BN330 Ionel SIMION President Victor-Gabriel ADÎR Member Mioara DUCA Member Daniel DOBRE Member Nicoleta Elisabeta PASCU Member
As. dr. ing. Ionuț-Valentin RADU Secretary


Dissertation Exams Schedule July 2018

Registration for Dissertation Exam in the July 2018 Session will take place between 11 – 15 June 2018.


Starting with 2017, master graduates may apply directly to doctorate studies right from the dissertation exam. Fill the forms in Annexes 2, 3 and 5 of the Doctorate Admission Procedure and submit them to the President of the Board after the dissertation exam. The Admission Fee is cut by 50% in July session as compared to the September session. 

The Dissertation Exam Boards, the exam dates, hours and rooms for the July 2018 session are the following:


Program of studies  Aeronautical and Space Structures
29 June 2018, 9 am Room I013
Conf. Marius STOIA-DJESKA President
Prof. Sterian DANAILA member
Conf. dr. ing. Petrișor Valentin PÂRVU member
Conf Alina BOGOI member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Conf. Laurențiu MORARU secretary


Program of studies  Aerospace Propulsion and Environment Protection
28 June 2018, 9 am Room I013 Virgil STANCIU President Dragos ISVORANU member
Conf. dr. ing. Daniel CRUNŢEANU member
Ş Marius BREBENEL member
Ş Grigore CICAN member
Ș.l.dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU secretary


Program of studies  Avionics and Aerospace Navigation
27 June 2018, 9 am Room G1
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU President
Prof. Adrian Mihail STOICA member
Prof. Octavian Grigore MULLER member
Ş Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Ş Sorin BERBENTE member
Ş Valentin PANA secretary


Program of studies  Aerospace Engineering and Management
28 June 2018, 9 am Room E013
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU President Sorin  Eugen  ZAHARIA member
Ş Stefan POPESCU member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Ş Gabriela Liliana STROE member
As. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU secretary

Program of studies  Aeronautical Management

27 June 2018, 9 am Room E013 Sorin  Eugen  ZAHARIA President
Ş Stefan POPESCU member
Ş Gabriela Liliana STROE member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Ș.l.dr. ing. Mihai BARBELIAN member
As. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU secretary


Program of studies  Engineering Graphics and Design
29 June 2018, 9 am Room BN304 Ionel SIMION President Victor-Gabriel ADÎR member Mioara DUCA member Daniel DOBRE member Nicoleta Elisabeta PASCU member
As. dr. ing. Ionuț-Valentin RADU secretary


Program of studies  Air Transport Engineering (in English)
27 June 2018, 9 am Room I013
Conf. Octavian Thor PLETER President
Prof. dr. ing. Marius STOIA-DJESKSA member
Prof. dr. ing. Dragoș ISVORANU member
S.l. dr. ing. Marius BREBENEL member
S.l. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU secretary



Defending the Research Reports in the resit session September 2018 <schedule>

Defending the Research Reports in the resit session June 2018 for the 2nd Year <schedule>

Dissertation Exams Sep 2017

The Dissertation Exam Boards, the exam dates, hours and rooms for the September 2017 session have been the following:

Program of studies  Aeronautical and Space Structures
13 September 2017, 9 am Room I013
Prof. Sterian DANAILA President Virgil STANCIU member
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU member
Conf. Octavian Thor PLETER member
Ş Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Conf. Laurențiu MORARU secretary


Program of studies  Aerospace Propulsion and Environment Protection
13 September 2017, 9 am  Room I013 Virgil STANCIU President
Prof. Sterian DANAILA member
Conf. Octavian Thor PLETER member
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU member
Ş Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Conf. Laurențiu MORARU secretary


Program of studies  Avionics and Aerospace Navigation
13 September 2017, 9 am Room G1
Prof. Adrian Mihail STOICA President
Prof. Octavian Grigore MULLER member
Ş Sorin BERBENTE member
Ş Valentin PANA member
Ș.l.dr. ing. Mihai BARBELIAN member
As. dr. ing. Ene COSTIN secretary


Program of studies  Aerospace Engineering and Management
13 September 2017, 9 am Room E013
Ş Stefan POPESCU President Sorin  Eugen  ZAHARIA member
Ş.l. Silviu ZANCU member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Ş Gabriela Liliana STROE member
As. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU secretary

Program of studies  Aeronautical Management

13 September 2017, 9 am  Room E013 Sorin  Eugen  ZAHARIA President
Ş Stefan POPESCU member
Ş.l. Silviu ZANCU member
Ş.l. Bogdan TEODORESCU member
Ş Gabriela Liliana STROE member
As. dr. ing. Casandra PIETREANU secretary


Program of studies  Engineering Graphics and Design
12 September 2017, 9 am Room BN330 Ionel SIMION President Victor-Gabriel ADÎR member Mioara DUCA member Daniel DOBRE member Ermina ȚAPU member
As. dr. ing. Ionuț-Valentin RADU secretary


Program of studies  Air Transport Engineering
13 September 2017, 9 am  Room I013
Conf. Octavian Thor PLETER President
Prof. Sterian DANAILA member Virgil STANCIU member
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel CHELARU member
Sl. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU secretary


Program of studies  Holistic Space Systems
13 September 2017, 9 am  Room I013
Prof. dr. ing. Teodor-Viorel CHELARU President
Prof. Sterian DANAILA member
Prof. Virgil STANCIU member
Conf. Octavian Thor PLETER member
Sl. dr. ing. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU member
Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu MORARU secretary



Aeroconsult 2018

  With the vision to develop and inspire future leaders and bring added value to the relationship between students and aerospace companies, the EUROAVIA Bucureşti  Association supports the students with the project called AEROCONSULT. At its 9th edition,...

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Royal Institute of Navigation Event

The Royal Institute of Navigation of London, with the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest organize the workshop "Trusted Positioning, Navigation & Timing Latest Developments" on 25 & 26 April 2018. The keynote speaker is John...

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Fulbright Student Award

  The program Fulbright Student Award has opened  for the UY 2019-2020. The program targets Romanian students and doctoral students who are interested to study master programs or doctoral research (non-degree) in the United States. <Info Sheeti>   Corina...

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Air Navigation Convention 2018

  Air Navigation Convention 15th -16th of March 2018 Reaching its 9th edition, the Air Navigation Convention is an important event organized by students of the Air Navigation Department of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Everything starts from the desire to...

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E-SGAC Bucharest 2018

  Photo: Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Chief Strategy Officer at the European Space Agency (ESA) addressed the young community of the space generation at the 3-rd European Space Generation Workshop (SGAC), which took place in Bucharest, on 9-10 March...

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Private Pilot Licence SSAvC Scholarships

  Courtesy of Eng. George Barbu, CEO of the Aviation Academy and Alumnus of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, we announce this opportunity: On the occasion of the Great Union Centenary, as a sign of gratitude for the values that the Faculty of Aerospace...

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Faculty Story

The story of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is mainly the story of its students. Daniela Andrioaie is a 3rd Year student of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Constructions program of studies. She came to this faculty from a pretty long distance,...

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Openings at Alten

  The French company Alten located in Toulouse advertizes the following openings which match the profile of our graduates: -          System Design -          Electrical installation -          Project management Contact data of Mr. Vincent Castanet, business...

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Correct Rules Enforcing Re Evaluations and Resits

Note as of 14 May 2019: FAE-1 and FAE-2 rules have been repealed by Faculty Council Decision of 14 May 2019. Thus, all references to these rules below shall be ignored. The remaining recommendation will be maintained. Faculty Executive Board of FAE in the 24 January...

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Job Opening at Bretigny

  By courtesy of our Alumnus, Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan, we invite our students, master students and fresh graduates to consider this job opening at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Center (near Paris) in domain of ATM Simulation and Modelling (including BADA). <Job...

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