Information for the Students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Regarding Redoing of Modules, Progression and Grade Improvements
According to the Regulations for organizing and operating the undergraduate university education process in the University Politehnica od Bucharest, Edition 2013 (published on the university and the faculty sites, in force), the students must know the following:
- 1st Year Students may progress in the 2nd Year only if they accumulated at least 35 CP-ME [1]
- 2nd Year Students may progress in the 3rd Year only if they accumulated at least 95 CP-ME and additionally if they have at most 5 CP-ME missing for 1st Year disciplines[2]
- 3rd Year Students may progress in the 4th Year only if they accumulated at least 155 CP-ME
The moment in time when the number of CP-ME is counted is the ending of the university year, i.e. the last day of the resit exam session. For the UY 2016-2017, this day is set on 10 September 2017 according to the Decision of the Senate.
Resits of disciplines require the following cumulative conditions:
- a) Disciplines subject to a resit should be included in the contract of studies for the current university year (they are either current disciplines, and thus they are in the contract by default, or they correspond to the previous years and they must be explicitly added);
- b) If the discipline is from the previous years, at the beginning of the semester when the discipline is recovered, the student must pay the resit fee TD1, TD2 or TD3, respectively; otherwise, the student may not be accepted in a resit exam;
- c) The final verification for a discipline subject to a resit is possible just in a resit exam session, in the day, at the time, and in the room on display at the faculty office! To avoid overlaps, each resit exam has two dates in the resit session, but sometimes not even that does not avoid overlaps for some students with many resit disciplines; in such cases, exceptionally a third exam date is admitted, following a request to the Dean’s Office, the latest in the last working day before the exam session starts;
- d) There is a limit of one discipline resit per session day;
- e) For the 1st Year disciplines, the resit session for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Years is in autumn (28 August – 10 September 2017) and for the 4th Year, in summer (time interval 27 May – 9 June 2017); for the 4th Year students who have not secured all the required 240 CP-ME to graduate in the summer Diploma Exam session, the autumn Resit Session is also available.
Regarding improvements of grades, the students are exempt from resit fees, but they have to apply to the Dean’s Office the latest in the last working day before the resit exam session starts. .
The Regulations Art. 24 states that the number of disciplines for which a student may request re-examination for a grade improvement is not limited. However, even though the Regulations do not limit that number, the approval of such requests by the Dean for grade improvement resits will consider the practical limitations (which also apply to all resits):
- a) The Grade Improvement for a discipline is possible just in the resit exam session, in the day, time and room on display at the Dean’s Office! To avoid overlaps, each exam has two dates in the resit session, but simetimes not even that does not solve the overlapping problem for those students with many resits or grade improvement resits; in such cases, exceptionally a third exam date is admitted, following a request to the Dean’s Office, the latest in the last working day before the exam session starts;
- d) Maximum one resit per exam session day is admitted, either resits from fail or resits for grade improvement.
We remind you the express rule that it is forbidden any examination (resit from fail or resit to improve grade) agreed bilaterally, directly between the student and the professor! All exams are only in the session, at the date, time and in the room on display at the Dean’s Office. The Exams are subject to check operations from the Rector’s Office or from the Deans Office, they have to run transparently, with minimum two academic staff in the room.
[1] CP-ME = Credit Points for Mandatory or Elective disciplines, not Additional Optional Subjects
[2] The additional condition was repealed by the Decision of the Faculty Council of 14 May 2019 due to logistic reasons – the condition cannot be automatically verified by the UPB software which performs the function to progress students from one year to the next
FAE Rules for Modules Progression
Correct Rules Enforcing Re Evaluations and Resits
The fees are set yearly by the University Senate of UPB. These amounts are valid at the moment of publication, but may be changed later on a short notice.
The fee for a discipline resit must be paid at the beginning of the semester and is 30 lei/CP for the students who have maximum of 2 fails, 50 lei/CP if they have more fails, but progress in the next year of studies (according to the rules above) or 65 lei/CP if they repeat the year of studies.
Resits of the disciplines in the semester that students missed as ERASMUS scholars are exempt, within the limit of two disciplines (Rule adopted in the Faculty Executive Board of 17 Jan 2018).
The integral school fee for a year of studies is 4.000 lei for undergraduate studies in Romanian, 4.500 lei for undergraduate studies in English, 5.000 lei for master studies and 8.000 lei for doctoral studies.
Other fees may be seen here: Fees 2017-2018