These testimonials of my fellow avionics engineers regard the time span 1986-1992 and seem to be extracted from Zoshchenko. They are true stories of life of aviation engineers of that time, illustrating how high level engineering was done in a country, which seemed to belong to the third world back then. The wake of communism is very vivid in these stories. One of the characteristics of communism is that always something very basic is on short supply. We could have an aerospace industry, but no Diesel fuel and powder milk for babies.

Fellow V. Testimonial

”How did I end up working for the Civil Aviation Authority? I was working at Clinceni, in the military, in the Calugăru’s team. We were carried by army buses every day from Bucharest to Clinceni. We repaired MiG-23 missiles, which broke down often, because they did not have anti-stupid couples, could be connected in both positions. If the couple was inserted in the wrong position, the guidance unit burned in a couple of seconds and was sent to us. We got much work to do, because those who connected the units were very productive. The unit was sealed in Nytrogen. We got inside, repaired the gyroscopes, and then sent them to Chișinău to be resealed in Nytrogen. We did not have that particular tool, we just did the electrical part. Until one day, when the army ran out of fuel for buses. We were informed that the Diesel fuel was missing, and our transfer to Clinceni was no longer available. Thus, we needed to find work in the city. They were just funding the Romanian Civil Aiviation Authority. We had no clue what was it about. We did not know much about civil aviation, but we were forced to learn.”

Fellow C. Testimonial

”I was working at Clinceni too, in Călugăru’s team. Our task was to transform a Soviet Air-to-Air missile into a Ground-to-Air missile. After we finished the prototype, we had to ship it to Aerostar Bacău, for testing. The problem was how? The rocket was about 6 ft. long, in a private car could not fit in, and on the roof might have risen suspicion. The army had no Diesel fuel to send it by truck to Bacău. Thus, we tried to be creative. We took out the wings and put them in a luggage. The bare rocket was thin, and yet long. We rolled it in a Persian carpet and took it by bus to the railway station, and then by train. We put it on the corridor of the coach. People stumbled over it, but we were not concerned, it was disarmed and resilient enough. At Bacău we got inside the factory without problems. Due to the thefts, guardians were only paying attention to people going out. After successfully delivering the rocket to the testing engineers, we recovered our carpet and left. Almost, because the vigilant guardians stopped us on exit, pointing to the carpet. ”Where did you take this from?” ”We came with it, didn’t you see us?” We had to struggle to get away with the carpet.”



Jeppesen FIA RAS Contest

As Mr. Sacha Neusser (Jeppesen) and Sorin Roșca, MAEng (RAS) announced on the floor of the Opening of the University Year, we publish <here> the details of the Jeppesen - Faculty of Aerospace Engineering - Regional Air Services contest aimed at faculty students...

Opening 2017

  In the Radu Voinea AN010 amphitheater on 25 September 2017, 10 am, the Rector of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Mihnea Costoiu declared the new University Year 2017-2018 opened, in an enthusiast atmosphere. The Rector pointed out the value and the...

Year 3 Specialization Exchange

  Important for Year 3 students who want to change their specialization selection. The four specializations (in Romanian) consist of a full group each (no more vacancies). However, we decided to allow specialization exchanges between two students who agree that...

FAE Rules for Modules Progression

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Council in the 14 May 2019 meeting decided the following: The repeal of FAE-1 and FAE-2 Rules (described below) and their replacement with the mandatory attendance at the exam of the students who want to progress at a discipline...

Dassault Systemès Catia for students

  Dassault Systèmes Catia V5 Student Edition is offered to students for free! Use code CATIA4FREE17 at Dassault Systemès 3DS Academy until 11 November 2017. Also you may get ICEM Surf Student Edition in the same terms using code ICEMSURF-FREE17 Totodata, avem...

New Student IDs

  Important! The Student IDs will be changed from the UY 2017-2018. All Year 2, 3, and 4 Bachelor Students and Year 2 Master, please submit your updated photos to the faculty office to get the new IDs.    

Accommodation in Campus 2017

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering students will be accommodated in Building P27 Regie Campus (including the 5th floor). The students already staying there over summer must check out between 11 and 15 September 2017. On 11 September, the Romanians from Everywhere...

Opening of the New University Year 2017-2018

  Th new University Year 2017-2018 will be opened on 25 September 2017 in the Radu Voinea amphitheater starting with 10 am. At 2 pm, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organizes the opening meeting in Polizu, in the Virgiliu Constantinescu F024 amphitheater....

Fly Practice 2017

  Flying practice in the Year II summer has been a tradition of this faculty since the beginning until the 90s. It matters a lot to an aviation engineer to take the stick in his / her own hand, to understand the difficulty of flying, to feel directly the emotion...

Resit Session Schedule September 2017

  Resit Session in September 2017 will follow this schedule: Resit Session Schedule September 2017      Resit Session Schedule for EGD Master September 2017 Mind you, there will be no other reexamination session. All resits will end on 10 September 2017....