GURUCAD SRL company is recruiting qualified personnel for the company projects, engineers who are able to work 8 hours daily, 5 days a week. Therefore, BAe graduates who wish to continue their studies do not fit to this description. The company is also interested in Master of Aerospace Engineering graduates. Contact Data:


Business Development Manager




Integral Business Center Building

Bd. Pipera, Nr. 1-IA, Corp A, Etaj 8,

07719 Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania






Phone:    +40 (0) 21 311 74 94

Fax:         +40 (0) 21 311 74 79




Domiciliul Legal / Legal Domicile: BUCURESTI

Asociat Unic / Board of Management: Dipl. Ing. Dorinel ALBU

Număr de ordine în R.C.: J23/2772/08.06.2017
CUI: 29206026




Flight Training 2019

  Since its beginning, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized a long awaited event for the students: the flight training at the end of the second year of study. This tradition was discontinued in the late 90’s, only to be brought back recently with the...

Romanian Aviation Academy Hires Aviation Engineers

  Romanian Civil Aviation Academy (SSAvC) hires two aviation engineers. Details <here>. UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering signed in 2016 a strategic partnership with the Aviation Academy materialized in students internship, aircraft maintenance, pilots...

Office Special Summer Program

Faculty and Dean's Office of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are open according to a special schedule in the summer time as follows: every Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm. The office is open on Wednesday 24 July and Thursday 25 July 8 am - 6 pm, but is closed on Friday 26...

3DEXPERIENCE: The New French Revolution

  Today we celebrate France and we remember the French Revolution, which reshaped the history of Europe and of the mankind. Less would we expect a New French Revolution, infinitely more peaceful, to reshape the history of Europe and of the mankind starting from...

Astronaut Dr. Anna Fisher About the Future Space Exploration

  We invite you on Thursday 4th of July 2019 in the Great Amphitheater F024 V. N. Constantinescu at 09:45 for a memorable meeting with a remarkable American astronaut, Dr. Anna Fisher. On this occasion, Dr. Fisher will talk about Future Space Explorations. We...

Dassault Aviation Prize 2019 was awarded to a UPB-FAE team!

  On 6 June 2019 at the Air and Space Museum of Paris Le Bourget, the students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering gathered in the ASAIA team have won the prestigious Dassault Aviation Prize, awarded by the European Astronautic Club, with support from Airbus,...

Tarom hires aviation engineers

  Courtesy of our Alumna Diana Liță, aerospace engineer working for Tarom in the Structural and Advanced Composite Repair Shop, here you find a hiring ad from Tarom regarding aeronautical engineers. We wholeheartedly recommend Tarom, a long standing partner of...

UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at AeroDays 2019

  Between 27-30 May 2019 the Palace of Parliament of Bucharest hosted the proceedings of the 8th European conference AeroDays. Launched in 1991, the European Aeronautics Days (Aerodays) represents the leading event in aviation research and innovation, a platform...

Student camps 2019

It became a tradition for UPB students to participate in the national summer camps program. Started a month ago and run at the University level, the selection process has ended. The results, for FIA students, can be found here.

Dr. Jaiwon Shin visiting the University Politehnica of Bucharest

Dr. Jaiwon Shin, Associate Administrator, NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) is visiting the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and will conference for the students and for the teaching and research staff on 30th of...