Engineer position at Tarom

Engineer position at Tarom

  National flag carrier Tarom opens position for avionics engineer. Applications deadline is 10 May 2019. Details in Romanian <here>.   Travisions 2020 by admin | May 22, 2019TRAVISIONS 2020 invites Bachelors, Masters and PhD students from all over...
5 months Internship with EUROCONTROL

5 months Internship with EUROCONTROL

New! The deadline for your CVs has been delayed until 21st of May 2019. EUROCONTROL Bruxelles – ATM Planning, Reporting and Monitoring Unit searches trainees with some understanding of the European ATM system, its key players and challenges, as well as – very...
Aerostar Openings

Aerostar Openings

  Aerostar S. A. Bacău is the most important Romanian company in the aerospace industry. Many of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Alumni were hired and worked or are working here. Last year Aerostar received the Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award from...
Easter Mini Holidays

Easter Mini Holidays

  By adding together the holidays decided by the Government and the recovered days according to the UPB Administration Council Decision of 20 February 2019, between 26 April – 5 May 2019 classes are suspended and the Students Office will be closed to the...