AeroConsult is an annual convention of the aerospace employers with the academic community of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The purpose is to provide professional counselling to students, who benefit form direct meeting opportunities with the companies for employment or internship. The faculty alumni who represent the companies enjoy this opportunity to reconnect to their Alma Mater, with major networking opportunities between various generations of graduates and future graduates. AeroConsult extends the Polifest event of the University Politehnica of Bucharest in the aerospace sector. AeroConsult was founded by Prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă în 2006, when it was organized for the first time.

In 2017 the event was organized with help from the Euroavia Bucharest students organization in the Radu Voinea AN010 amphiteatre on 27-28 April 2017.

Participants:  FOKKER ENGINEERING ROMÂNIA, Aeroteh, AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMÂNIA, Assystem, Blue Air, Consaro, GECI, GMV, INCAS, Tarom, Aeroclubul României, COMOTI, Romaero.

Agenda AeroConsult 2017

The faculty staff was represented by Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor Pleter (Dean), Conf. dr. ing. Petrișor Pârvu, Conf. dr. ing. Marius Stoia-Djeska, S.l. dr. ing. Cristian Constantinescu and Conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu Moraru (Vice Deans), Prof. dr. ing. Ion Stroe and S.l. dr. ing. Mihai Barbelian. We thank the Euroavia Bucharest students, who made outstanding efforts for the success of the event.



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