
Accommodation in Campus for the UY 2019/2020

Accommodation in campus is done during the week before the beginning of the University Year, in Room F024 VN Constantinescu according to the following schedule:

Wednesday, 18 Sep 2019, 10 am – for all admitted in 2019 in Year 1, bachelor. The order is the admission average grade descending.

Wednesday, 18 Sep 2019, 4 pm – for all admitted in 2019 in Year 1, master (with priority to those admitted in 2019 for the first time). The order is the admission average grade descending.

Thursday, 19 Sep 2019, 10 am – in the order of average grade of previous years decreasing, bachelor students Years 4, 3, 2, in this order. At this stage, only students with all modules passed are eligible (minimum 180, 120, and 60 mandatory CP respectively).

Thursday, 19 Sep 2019, 4 pm -in the order of average grade of previous year decreasing, master students Year 2. At this stage, only students with all modules passed are eligible (minimum 60 mandatory CP).

Friday, 20 Sep 2019, 10 am – in the order of mandatory CP achieved decreasing, master students Year 2 and bachelor students Yr 4, 3, 2 with a single resit remaining. Then in the same order, available places remaining will be distributed to the students with 2 resits etc.

Building P 27 in Regie Campus was attributed to the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Interested students are asked to be present at the time indicate above in Room F024 Polizu to receive info and fill the forms. Then, the accommodation place is provided at the Faculty Office in Polizu Campus, building A, according to the schedule. After receiving a place and after the fee has been paid, students may go to P27 to check in. Check in has to be made no later than Tuesday 24 Sep 2019.

For accommodation, the following items are required:

  • ID and an ID copy;
  • Standard Forms (available in F024) filled according to a model;
  • The 250 lei fee and a 5 lei fiscal stamp (may be purchased in the campus). For October, all students pay the accommodation fee;
  • Documents to justify eventual exemption of the accommodation fee (certificate that at least one of the parents is a teacher, death certificate for a parent etc.).

Attention! Sublet, sale or transfer in any form of the accommodation place are strictly forbidden! Persons in the campus are frequently identified and such an offense is quickly discovered and punished.


The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering offers subsidized accommodation in the P27 (Campus Regie), in a community of 13,000 students, with excellent facilities for access to the Internet as well as numerous leisure facilities. The campus has a high degree of safety, being under the direct protection of the Police.

What is the procedure to get accommodation in campus?

Accommodation in campus is done during the week before the beginning of the University Year, according to a daily schedule. The distribution of the accommodation places is decided by the Faculty Accommodation Committee. The priority order for accommodation is the following:

  • doctoral students and teaching staff
  • all students admitted in the 1st Year Master + Bachelor (in descending order of their admission grade)
  • students who passed all modules in the 4th, 3rd Year Bachelor and 2nd Year Master + Bachelor (in descending order of their average grade in the previous year)
  • students with a single failed subject
  • students with two failed subjects
  • etc.

The distribution algorithm continues until all rooms allotted to the faculty are given.

The interested students shall gather in the F024 amphitheater from POLIZU campus, F Building, at the time which will be indicated, to get information and fill the required forms. Then, the accommodation place is allotted at the Faculty Office in POLIZU campus, A Building, according to the schedule which will be announced. After receiving the place and paying the fees, the students may go to the P27 Building in Regie Campus to check in.

Accommodation fees are 250 RON monthly with legal deductions, with the exception of buildings D (Leu Campus) and P12 at 450 RON monthly. For these latter accommodation, only doctoral students and teaching staff are entitled. The request should be addressed directly to the UPB General Manager.

For accommodation, the following items are required:

  • ID and an ID copy;
  • Standard Forms (available in F024) filled according to a model;
  • The 250 lei fee and a 5 lei fiscal stamp (may be purchased in the campus). For October, all students pay the accommodation fee;
  • Documents to justify eventual exemption of the accommodation fee (certificate that at least one of the parents is a teacher, death certificate for a parent etc.).

Attention! Sublet, sale or transfer in any form of the accommodation place are strictly forbidden! Persons in the campus are frequently identified and such an offense is quickly discovered and punished.



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