

ERASMUS+ is the European Union’s program for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020, with the main features:

  • recognizing and validating skills and qualifications;
  • dissemination and exploitation of project results; Open access to teaching materials, documents and media tools created within the program;
  • international dimension (cooperation with partner countries in the field of higher education and sport); 
  • multilingvul; equity and inclusion;
  • the protection and safety of the participants.

ERASMUS Students 2019-2020, Semesters 1 and 2

A new selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobility (study or placement) for the UY 2019-2020, Semesters 1 and 2 takes places between 20/03/2019-27/03/2019 and will run according to the rules published at (in Romanian):

Applications will be submitted at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Office between 20 – 22/03/2019 plus Friday 23/03/2019 12-2 pm.

The contest is scheduled for Tuesday, 26/03/2019, time and venue to be announced.

Attention potential candidates:
Friday, 22/03/2019, 2 pm in Room I 013 Elie Carafoli, Vice Dean Marius Stoia-Djeska will deliver a presentation of the ERASMUS+ program and selection contest for the UY 2019-2020. Prof. Stoia-Djeska is the ERASMUS responsible for the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

ERASMUS 2018-2019, 2nd Semester Students

Contest for ERASMUS+ mobility for study or placement according to Article 9 of the Rules in Academic Year 2018-2019 will take place during 16-31 October 2018 and will follow the rules published at and

(see the document Rules for Erasmus+ student mobility from UPB in the Academic Year 2018 – 2019, > ERASMUS+ > ERASMUS+ 2018 – 2019)

and our faculty website and notice board.


Applications are expected at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Office between 17-29 October 2018. Files should include the documents specified in Art. 27 of the Rules. The interview will take place on Wednesday 31 October 2018, Faculty Office 2 pm and the results will be published later on the notice board.

Friday 19 October 2018 2-3 pm in Room I013 you are welcome to attend a session aimed at informing the candidates.


ERASMUS Students 2018-2019, Semesters 1 and 2

A new selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobility (study or placement) for the UY 2018-2019, Semesters 1 and 2 takes places between 12/03/2018-20/03/2018 and will run according to the rules published at (in Romanian):

Applications will be submitted at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Office until 20/03/2018.

The contest is scheduled for Friday, 23/03/2018, 12 pm, Faculty Office.

The former date announced for Thursday 22 could not be maintained due to a Senate meeting, for reasons beyond our capacity. We apologize for the inconvenience..

Attention potential candidates:
Thursday, 08/03/2018, 2 pm in Room I 013 Elie Carafoli, Vice Dean Marius Stoia-Djeska will deliver a presentation of the ERASMUS+ program and selection contest for the UY 2018-2019. Prof. Stoia-Djeska is the ERASMUS responsible for the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

For detailed general information on accessing the Erasmus + program, visit the website of the university’s international relations office::

For information specific to the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, please contact Vice Dean Prof. Marius STOIA-DJESKA (

Additional Placement Scholarships 2018

Within the ERASMUS+ program, a few extra placement scholarships are being offered for all students in the Summer 2018.
Interested students may submit their ERASMUS type file to the Faculty Officeuntil 03 April 2018, 2 pm. The mandatory file contents has already been presented at the notice board, on this site and at erasmus-llp.html (UY 2018-2019 Rules apply, similar to UY 2017-2018 Rules). Results will be announced until 05 April 2018.
Vice Dean Prof. dr. ing. Marius Stoia-Djeska


Flight Training 2019

  Since its beginning, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized a long awaited event for the students: the flight training at the end of the second year of study. This tradition was discontinued in the late 90’s, only to be brought back recently with the...

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Romanian Aviation Academy Hires Aviation Engineers

  Romanian Civil Aviation Academy (SSAvC) hires two aviation engineers. Details <here>. UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering signed in 2016 a strategic partnership with the Aviation Academy materialized in students internship, aircraft maintenance, pilots...

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Office Special Summer Program

Faculty and Dean's Office of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are open according to a special schedule in the summer time as follows: every Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm. The office is open on Wednesday 24 July and Thursday 25 July 8 am - 6 pm, but is closed on Friday 26...

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3DEXPERIENCE: The New French Revolution

  Today we celebrate France and we remember the French Revolution, which reshaped the history of Europe and of the mankind. Less would we expect a New French Revolution, infinitely more peaceful, to reshape the history of Europe and of the mankind starting from...

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Tarom hires aviation engineers

  Courtesy of our Alumna Diana Liță, aerospace engineer working for Tarom in the Structural and Advanced Composite Repair Shop, here you find a hiring ad from Tarom regarding aeronautical engineers. We wholeheartedly recommend Tarom, a long standing partner of...

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UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at AeroDays 2019

  Between 27-30 May 2019 the Palace of Parliament of Bucharest hosted the proceedings of the 8th European conference AeroDays. Launched in 1991, the European Aeronautics Days (Aerodays) represents the leading event in aviation research and innovation, a platform...

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Student camps 2019

It became a tradition for UPB students to participate in the national summer camps program. Started a month ago and run at the University level, the selection process has ended. The results, for FIA students, can be found here.

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