
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering awarded in the UY 2018-2019:

In the 1st Semester:

  • 7 Performance Scholarships of RON 1200 monthly,
  • 37 1st Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 900 monthly;
  • 103 2nd Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 700 monthly;
  • 103 Social Scholarships of RON 580 monthly.

List of Students with Scholarship 2018-2019 1st Semester

In the 2nd Semester:

  • 1 Performance Scholarship of RON 1200 monthly,
  • 44 1st Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 900 monthly;
  • 104 2nd Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 700 monthly;
  • 104 Social Scholarships of RON 580 monthly.

List of Students with Scholarship 2018-2019 2nd Semester


Important! The deadline for social scholarship applications is 8 March 2019.

Master students are entitled to social scholarships starting with this academic year.

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering awarded in the UY 2017-2018:

In the 2nd Semester:

  • 5 Performance Scholarships of RON 1200 monthly,
  • 38 1st Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 900 monthly;
  • 131 2nd Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 700 monthly;
  • 77 Social Scholarships of RON 580 monthly.

List of Students with Performance and Merit Scholarship 2017-2018 2nd Semester

List of Students with Social Scholarship 2017-2018 1st Semester

In the 1st Semester:

  • 5 Performance Scholarships of RON 1200 monthly,
  • 31 1st Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 900 monthly;
  • 150 2nd Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 700 monthly;
  • 63 Social Scholarships of RON 580 monthly.


Regulation for Scholarship Awards UPB 2017 (in Romanian)

List of Students with Performance and Merit Scholarship 2017-2018 1st Semester

List of Students with Social Scholarship 2017-2018 1st Semester

(Note: the empty columns in the tables correspond to personal information which have been erased)


For UY 2017/2018 the Scholarship Rules have changed. The flimsy coming out from the Senate debate may be found <here>

The students who fulfil the requirements to receive social scholarship, please submit your application at the Faculty Office not later than Wednesday, 25 October 2017 together with the proof documents as requested in the Rules.



The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering awarded in the UY 2016-2017:

In the 1st Semester:

  • 6 Performance Scholarships of RON 600 monthly,
  • 25 1st Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 450 monthly;
  • 135 2nd Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 350 monthly;
  • 22 Social Scholarships of RON 250 monthly.

In the 2nd Semester:

  • 2 Performance Scholarships of RON 1200 monthly,
  • 28 1st Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 900 monthly;
  • 159 2nd Degree Merit Scholarships of RON 700 monthly;
  • 44 Social Scholarships of RON 580 monthly.

In the 2nd Semester, the amount for scholarships doubled as a result of the decision of the Administration Council of the University Politehnica of Bucharest and the eligibility for the social scholarships was extended. Moreover, for the first time, social scholarships may be combined with the merit ones.

Order of the Ministry of Education (in Romanian) 3392/2017

Regulation for Scholarship Awards UPB 2015 (in Romanian)  (this regulation is in progress of adapting to the OM 3392/2017 above)

List of Students with Performance and Merit Scholarships 2016-2017 2nd Semester

List of Students with Social and Merit on Additional List 2016-2017 2nd Semester

(Note: the empty columns in the tables correspond to personal information which have been erased)










Flight Training 2019

  Since its beginning, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized a long awaited event for the students: the flight training at the end of the second year of study. This tradition was discontinued in the late 90’s, only to be brought back recently with the...

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Romanian Aviation Academy Hires Aviation Engineers

  Romanian Civil Aviation Academy (SSAvC) hires two aviation engineers. Details <here>. UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering signed in 2016 a strategic partnership with the Aviation Academy materialized in students internship, aircraft maintenance, pilots...

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Office Special Summer Program

Faculty and Dean's Office of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are open according to a special schedule in the summer time as follows: every Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm. The office is open on Wednesday 24 July and Thursday 25 July 8 am - 6 pm, but is closed on Friday 26...

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3DEXPERIENCE: The New French Revolution

  Today we celebrate France and we remember the French Revolution, which reshaped the history of Europe and of the mankind. Less would we expect a New French Revolution, infinitely more peaceful, to reshape the history of Europe and of the mankind starting from...

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Tarom hires aviation engineers

  Courtesy of our Alumna Diana Liță, aerospace engineer working for Tarom in the Structural and Advanced Composite Repair Shop, here you find a hiring ad from Tarom regarding aeronautical engineers. We wholeheartedly recommend Tarom, a long standing partner of...

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UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at AeroDays 2019

  Between 27-30 May 2019 the Palace of Parliament of Bucharest hosted the proceedings of the 8th European conference AeroDays. Launched in 1991, the European Aeronautics Days (Aerodays) represents the leading event in aviation research and innovation, a platform...

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Student camps 2019

It became a tradition for UPB students to participate in the national summer camps program. Started a month ago and run at the University level, the selection process has ended. The results, for FIA students, can be found here.

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