Dean’s Message

May 29, 2017

Aviation and astronautics are cutting edge technology fields. Thus it is a tough faculty. It provides however unique professional satisfaction, and the jobs could be of high responsibility and consequently well paid. If we talk about operations and maintenance, one single aircraft costs between Euro 50-200 million. One can easily understand what kind of responsibility is required from an engineer who works even with a small fleet of 5-10 airplanes. If we talk about designing or manufacturing, our alumni engineers have major contributions to multi-billion Euro international projects, such as Airbus A350, Gulfstream G650, the Airbus Helicopters H215, or the new launchers of the European Space Agency (ESA). If we talk of air navigation, the air traffic management system in Europe has a yearly turnover of Euro 8 billion. Many of the engineers involved in this system are Romanians. In Eurocontrol Romanian is one of the spoken languages, we have tens of graduates who work there. Also, Romatsa employ many of our graduates. The UAV/RPAS field is one with a tremendous dynamics. Our students and engineers are involved for over 10 years now in important projects and won more international competitions. The qualification of aerospace engineer in Romania is recognized and appreciated all over the world, because the faculty has tradition and a good name.



Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor Pleter, MBA (MBS)

Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, 2016-2020

Dear future students,

You are at an age when you need to choose. I know that it is hard, and I understand. Me, as a parent and a teacher, I can afford to suggest a road in life. It is the road on which the dreams become reality and the reality creates dreams. To be a 3D engineer in the aerospace field is not just a profession, but more, it is an engineering art. Our engineers take pride in the face that they not only posses a diploma or titles, but they are the dreamers who love engineering, the true filo-engineers. You just need to look around, and you will notice that everything that man created is touched by this domain, that respectfully is called aerospace. The aviation industry is a lance tip of engineering. In this top field, huge amounts are invested, outstanding results are obtained, sometimes with sacrifices, and then they are applied on the whole front of the horizontal industry. Watch a bird, watch a plane (the simplest bird), and you will find the they are essentially the same, like our great Romanian sculptor and philosopher Constantin Brâncuși used to say. Among the students, there is a saying in Romanian, that you can live up to just as engineers or pilots. It passes to our souls, the fact that ”the aviation gives the sensation” (a literal translation). If you truly want to live that sensation, pick up this road in life, and you will not be disappointed, because this is the only and the sublime way of those who are smart, powerful and brave. Alongside of our teachers, who, besides knowledge, will share a bit of their souls, you will learn how to fly. Knock at our aerospace school, and we will open the door!



Prof. dr. ing. DHC Virgil Stanciu

Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering 2008-2016


Flight Training 2019

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Romanian Aviation Academy Hires Aviation Engineers

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Office Special Summer Program

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3DEXPERIENCE: The New French Revolution

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Tarom hires aviation engineers

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UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at AeroDays 2019

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Student camps 2019

It became a tradition for UPB students to participate in the national summer camps program. Started a month ago and run at the University level, the selection process has ended. The results, for FIA students, can be found here.

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